To contribute to the improvement of the quality of education and to promote equal opportunities for
children and young people with low socio-economic resources in rural areas of Argentina.
Aspiramos a un país en el que todas las personas puedan tener una educación equitativa y de calidad.

We want a country where all people have guaranteed access to an equitable and quality education.

​To involve and give tools to the educational community to promote the importance of education as a
tool for social transformation.
To provide guidance and create support networks among young people to decrease repetition and
dropout rates.
To implement awareness activities that call upon young people to commit themselves to education in
rural contexts.

Empathy: Understand the interests of the community to propose appropriate projects.
Commitment: Work responsibly in each of our projects.
Humility: Transform our limitations and weaknesses into action in order to constantly improve
Respect: Consider the customs, traditions and values of the communities we work with.
Transparency: Manage our activities ensuring the legitimacy of the origin and destination of